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Kostas D. Papadimitriou

Professor of Labour Law,
Faculty of Law, University of Athens, Greece

Organism of Mediation and Arbitration


Université de Paris X- Nanterre
Docteur d’ Etat en Droit., 1985, Très honorable (excellent) (rank does not exist in Greece)

Dissertation topic: “ Les libertés individuelles du salarié en France en Italie et en Grèce . 539 pages (in French)

Université de Paris X- Nanterre
D.E.A en Droit Social, 1981

University of Athens, Greece
J.D., (excellent), 1977


Professor (2012-)
University of Athens, Greece

Associate Professor (2007-2012)
University of Athens, Greece

Assistant Professor (2000-2007)
University of Athens, Greece

Courses taught: Individual Labor Law, Collective Labor Law, Collective Bargaining

Visiting Research Fellow
Institut de recherche juridique sur l’entreprise et les relations professionnelles- Université de Paris X- Nanterre (1993-1994)

Research Fellow
Institute of Procedural Studies (University of Athens) 1986-.

Visiting Professor
Université de Nantes (May-June 2011)

Visiting Professor
Université de Bordeaux (July 2008- July 2009)- Séminaire international


Member, Department of Studies of the Greek Parliament (1994 – ). Main responsibility: previewing and qualifying bills through reports submitted to the Parliament – preparing memos to MPs

Consultant to the Minister of Labour (1990-1991)

Member, Athens Bar Association

Member, Europear Labour Law Network (2008- )

National expert, Network on Free Movement of Workers within The European Union (2004-)

Languages Spoken:
Greek, fluent French, English, Italian and moderate German.



INDIVIDUAL LABOUR LAW, (co-author G. LEVENTIS), DEN Publishers, Athens 2011, 1282 pages (in Greek).

THE TEMPORARY AGENCY WORK Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Athens 2007, 306 pages (in Greek)

LABOUR UNIONS AND THE CIVIL PROCEDURAL LAW, Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Athens 1998, 232 pages (in Greek)

THE SETTLEMENT OF COLLECTIVE LABOUR DISPUTES (1992), Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Athens 1992, 178 pages (in Greek)

NEW TECHNOLOGY, WORK AND LABOUR LAW, Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Athens 1987, 157 pages (in Greek)

LES LIBERTES INDIVIDUELLES DU SALARIE EN FRANCE EN ITALIE ET EN GRECE: (Personal Freedoms of Employees in French, Italian and Greek Law) Paris 1985, 539 pages (in French- doctoral thesis)


The Use of Audiovisual Mechanisms within an Enterprise to Supervise Workers LABOUR LAW REVIEW (1986). (in Greek)

The Constitutional Protection of the Workers Personality in CONSTITUTION AND LABOUR RELATIONS (Labour Law Review Athens, 1987). (in Greek)

The Duty to Bargain
LABOUR LAW REVIEW (1988) (in Greek)

The Burden of Proof in Labour Disputes
DIKI (1987) (in Greek)
The Part Time Labour Relation in A. Mitsou, Le travail atypique et sa protection sociale en Grèce, Athens 1990 (in French)

The Settlement of Collective Labour Disputes (1991). National Report to XIII World Congress of Labour Law and Social Security Athens, 1991 (in French)

Training and Labour Relation,

The Part Time Labour Relation

The Social Policy in Community Law and in European Economic Field National Report to ΧVI Congress of F.I.D.E. (Fédération internationale pour le droit européen), Rome, 1994, (collaboration with Mrs Palaiologou) (in French).

Company Directors and Labour Law,
LABOUR LAW BULLETIN (1994), (in Greek)

The aliens and the work relation,
National Report to Journées Luxembourgeoises 26-29 May 1997 of Association Henri Capitant des amis de la Culture juridique francaise, L.G.D.J., 1997, Paris (in French)

The Social Clauses and the Liberalization of International Commerce,
LABOUR LAW BULLETIN ( 1998), (in Greek)

The judgement Viking and the right to strike of sailors and his meaning for the process of Social Europe, LABOUR LAW REVIEW (2012). (in Greek)

The secondment of workers and the respect of minimum terms of protection in Economic freedoms, social rights and the prohibition of discrimination, Sakkoula 2010. (in Greek).

Les libertés individuelles du salarié en Grèce, in “Libertés individuelles et relations de travail: le permis, le possible et l’interdit”, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2011.

Les travailleurs pauvres, in “Droit Social et travailleurs pauvres”, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2012.

Risques psychosociaux au travail. L’esquisse d’encadrement par le droit grec. in Risques psychosociaux au travail. Etude comparé Espagne, Grèce, Italie, Portugal (sous la direction de L. Lerouge), L’Harmattan, 2009.

Le droit du travail Grec face à la crise : Un passage dangereux vers une nouvelle physionomie juridique. REVUE DE DROIT COMPARE DU TRAVAIL ET DE LA SECURITE SOCIALE 2/2012.

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